(01) 123-456-7890
October 2024 - Barbertastic!
The one word I could come up with to describe our trip to the Barber Vintage Motorcycle Festival in early October – Barbertastic! Ok, not a real word, but you get the idea. Outside of avid motorcyclists, few know the world’s largest and best motorcycle museum is just to our west in Leeds, AL (a NE suburb to Birmingham). On nearly 1000 acres of bucolic rolling countryside resides a pristine museum and motorsports racetrack, along with plenty of room for RV’s, tent camping etc. The second weekend in Oct, Barber hosts a rally for all things vintage motorcycle… swap meet, track racing, woods trials, vendor displays and demo rides. You-name-it and it’s there! Our Barber hosts didn’t pick
...November 2024 – Peak Colors
On the first Saturday of November, three riders headed for the mountains to chase fall colors, and they caught them! Larry, Mel and Kevin (new-to-us, great to have you, Kevin) took the fast lane up, then branched off to ride the Richard Russell Scenic Parkway (really shoulda’ stopped for a pic!). We report back that colors are great in the mountains… the highest elevations (like Hogpen Gap on the Richard Russell and Brasstown Bald) are just a bit past peak so don’t delay visiting them. All the mid-elevations are great and will peak this coming week. And the lower elevations aren’t too far off as well. Make time to take time in the coming weeks to visit – you won’t regret it.
Although their start was surprisingly foggy, it lifted quickly to a full-sun day. There were some crowds, but not as much as expected. And if you can visit during the week, you’ll be golden! Wolf Pen Gap was thoroughly enjoyable as always. The guys rested a bit at TWO in Suches,
...September 2024 - A Taste of Fall
In early September, three riders enjoyed a welcome “early taste of fall”. In unseasonably cool temps, Larry, Dan and Dennis met in Ball Ground before heading up to the N Ga mountains. But first they enjoyed meeting a fellow on his way to a car show with his beautiful muscle car – a ’70 Buick GSX (real one, not cloned, 455 Stage I Ram Air!)
After tearing themselves away and apologizing for all the drool on his car, they layered up and headed up casual old favorites like Grandview, Sunrise and Doublehead Gap roads to the always-pleasant Van Zandt’s for a break. As they were about to leave, a large riding group of 11 (mostly new, high-end euro bikes!) arrived. It quickly became
...April 2024 - Tellico Moto Camp
After a too-long winter break, Larry, BobK, Mel and Dennis decided a 2-night moto-camp was in order and successfully avoided the “grey and wet” days of recent. They left after lunch on Friday taking backroads up to Blue Ridge (Boardtown was especially nice), then stopped for a break at Buck Bald Brewing in Copperhill, TN (check out their delicious Berry Hibiscus Brewed Tea). Winds were gusting over 30 mph so they didn’t stay long since it felt better bundled up on the bikes than exposed on the patio. Overnight lows were forecasted to be 43, but each was beginning to question if they’d packed enough warmth for this trip.
From there it was west along the Ocoee River, then NE up Reliance Road to Cherokee Mountain Trails Campground (CMTC) west of Tellico Plains. Reliance Road proved to be another trip highlight as it was pleasantly curvy and empty! Tents popped up quickly and they eagerly entered the lodge building to warm up and get out of the wind. CMTC