Meeting Recap--February 25, 2017

Twelve of us met on what turned out to be a clear and windy day.

Don S., well known to folks at Timothy, was there as he is now back on two wheels after a 40 year hiatus. Welcome Don. Also we were pleased to see Frank back among us, with a plan to get back on his blue Harley by this Summer. Dan also surprised us with his visit, accompanied by his baby daughter. She seemed unafraid, and quite at home among a room full of "bikers".

We set a ride plan for March 11th, a 200 miler (r/t) up to Bell Mountain near Hiawassee. We viewed a video of the "road" up the mountain before it was paved last year and how it looks now. Seems doable.

Possible ride plans for future months include a replay of Triple Play, an enjoyable ride we took five years ago

That ride will be sometime in early April, the date dependent on what date we can get for a group  session at Honda's Trail Riding School.

The remainder of the meeting included a few video clips, discussions and good fellowship.

Our next meeting will be on March 25th. Mark your calendar.