(01) 123-456-7890
Meeting Recap--March 26, 2016
Ten of us gathered this Saturday to map out a ride for April , put some more detail on the June Camp-N-Ride and generally have a good time together. A few rode in, anticipating the promised sunny afternoon. Others, with a better weather forecaster, drove.
We decided Saturday April 16th would be a good day to ride the Cherohala, getting there via Wayah Road. A planned start from the Chevron at I-575's exit 27 was scheduled for 8:30 am, both to allow distant riders to have daylight getting to the start point, and to hopefully be off the Cherohala early enough to miss any afternoon storms that may blow in.
Larry, our maven regarding details of the planned Camp-N-Ride, couldn't attend the meeting, so we did our best to go over what we thought we knew about the Thursday through Saturday trip, currently scheduled for June 9th -11th. Well have to firm things up at our next meeting on April 30th, or sooner via e-mail, if Larry thinks reservations for the two campsites need to be made earlier.
The hosting for our website, tlcmc.org is up for renewal. Dan is gathering the charge information and will let us know what he sees as the best deal, and we will either solicit contributions at our next meeting, or put out an e-mail if the funds are needed sooner.
Interspersed with the meeting's business we watched a few videos, some "technical", others just for fun. One of the more technical videos, about motorcycle tires, was of such interest that it is now posted on our website at
http://tlcmc.org/index.php/component/weblinks/?task=weblink.go&id=175 so those not at the meeting can be informed too.
The meeting adjourned at 11 am to a light drizzle and threatening skies, so there was no after-meeting ride.