(01) 123-456-7890
Meeting Recap--July 25th, 2015
Six of us met Saturday to lay out a plan for future rides, and discuss some motorcycle topics, including an informative video about the batteries now available on the market for motorcycles (and cars). The video has been added to our Weblinks at http://tlcmc.org/index.php/component/weblinks/?task=weblink.go&id=172
We decided to reschedule the twice canceled ride, Back Way To Morganton, to August 15th. With many schools back in session in August we should have a better chance for participation. The ride is pictured here http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/share/723537
For September the thought was to ride the Oconee Gorge and Greasy Creek (TN30) including a side trip up Chilhowee Mountain. A detailed ride plan will be available for our next meeting.
The two day ride to Mount Mitchell is tentatively set for an October weekend with an exact date to be determined later. We also discussed the possibility of a Fall ride over to Cheaha Mountain in Alabama. We'll discuss this further at another meeting.
The remainder of the meeting highlighted some thoughts from Captain Crash and a few video clips, both humorous and informative (sort of).
The next meeting will be on August 29th, 9 am.