Meeting Recap--January 26, 2019

Nine of us, not counting Presley, met this cold Saturday morning to map out our plans for future rides
 and to take a look at Dave's recounting of his extended ride up north.

After a visit with the Pauline letters via  LHM's "What They Didn't Teach You In Sunday School" we launched straight into
 Dave's slide presentation, for a day-by-day account of his 12 day 3,100 mile ride with his son Joe. Both rode Triumphs and
followed a route that avoided four lane highways. While most of their ride was in the USA they did cross into Canada for part of two days
riding in Ontario. They had a great time together and only had two days with rain. Thanks Dave.

Speaking of rain, our often rescheduled November ride is now scheduled for February 9th, More details as the ride date approaches.

Larry was asked when he thought the Spring Overnight would happen, and he figures  June 7-8 would probably be best.

We looked at two possible destinations for Spring rides, one the Airborne Infantry Museum in Toccoa (think Band Of Brothers), the other a
 muzzle loading cannon competition in Pelham Tennessee.

No firm plans for either were made.

Since we are headed into our 10th year of riding together we took a look back at videos of past rides and recalled riders who were once very active
but for health, family, business or other reasons have moved on. Think Jim B, Frank B, Steve G., Bob (the younger), Robert (the school principal), Melinda, Mark and Abby, Nelson, and possibly Tad, Al, Scott and
Garrett, good folks all. Should their circumstances change we'd welcome them back in a heartbeat, to add to the fun, as they did in the past. Still, we've welcomed new riders and meetings and rides are well attended.

After a brief look at other video clips and a fine dancing exhibition by Presley, Dan's young daughter, we adjourned at 11:30

Our next meeting is scheduled for February 23rd