(01) 123-456-7890
Meeting Recap - February 2021
Saturday the 6th, five riders met for a Zoom meeting (Larry, Dave, Mel, Bob S, and Dennis). We were excited to catch up with Bob S since he’s been in COVID lockdown since last spring. It was also enjoyable to see how everyone else was faring. The general consensus was… can’t complain.
To start the meeting, we used a CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Assoc) “beginner’s document” designed for each new Christian they encounter. Although geared toward “beginners”, it serves as a sound refresher for all of us. It was divided into…
Read the Bible Daily (with good suggestions for getting started)
Pray Daily (also with good suggestions as to what, when, how)
Attend Church Regularly
Learn to Deal with Temptations
Tell Others about Christ
We discussed upcoming rides and sketched out this preliminary plan:
Feb 20th ride will be a “close-by ride” of a shorter, and likely slower, duration suitable for a cold day
Mar ride preliminarily planned for the 13th, route to be determined
Apr 10 ride to the N Ga mountains and Suches area
For May, we’re considering an overnight ride Friday, May 14, return Sat May 15th to the Highlands NC area for waterfall tours, then on toward the Blue Ridge Parkway and overnighting at the Blue Ridge Motorcycle Campground just off the BRP. Sat morning there is a spectacular fire tower vista just off the BRP, then we’ll use a more “sweeping” route home. Clear Friday the 14th on your bosses calendar now. But also note that if the weather is wet, this will need to push to early June – rain camping off the bike just isn’t worth it!
Much discussion was held about a problem Larry just discovered the day before with his KLR - a sheared upper subframe bolt (one of 4 bolts which supports the tail section of the bike). The guys suggested using a bolt extraction kit which involves drilling a pilot hole into the broken stub (with a left-hand bit - who knew those existed!), then driving another, larger shank into that hole, then using the shank to back out the broken bolt. Larry gladly reports VICTORY and now offers his assistance with any future “sheared bolt” crisis!
The Zoom meeting seemed to work well and if COVID continues to rage, we’ll consider using it again.