(01) 123-456-7890
Meeting Recap--April 28, 2018
Five of us got together on Saturday to discus plans for future rides and discussion of some new techniques for familiar maintenance and riding situations.
The meeting kicked-off with a selection from LHM Men's Network, that depicted some of the ways the gospel spread in the early church, even to the Samaritans, a then despised people that accepted the Pentateuch but held alien beliefs as well.
On moving to a discussion of possible routes for a May 12th ride it soon became apparent that most of those present felt there would be very few riders interested in riding on Mother's Day weekend. However, since there may be riders not at the meeting that would see the 12th okay, a ride was scheduled (called the Short Loop) that includes stops at VanZandts and TWO (aka TWoS). Addition details will be posted as the ride date nears.
Toward the end of the meeting Larry joined the five and spoke of a plan he has for an overnight camp/ride to TWO on the 18th-19th (or 19th-20th) of May. He will post additional details soon to see if there is interest and which days would be preferable.
MC Garage supplied a few maintenance videos (brake bleeding, hydraulic vs cable clutch actuation, cable lubrication) but the greatest interest centered on
. Don't miss these as they both have new approaches.The meeting ended a little late (11:15) but there was still time on the beautiful day for three of us to ride up to Silvia's for hamburgers under the trees. Hard to beat!
Our next meeting will be on May 26th. Attend and let your experiences be heard.