Meeting Recap--February 24, 2018

Nine of us made it to the meeting this fine Spring-like day in Winter.

Larry opened the session with a prayer that thanked the Lord for the fine weather and an appeal for the Lord's guidance to the medical folks that will be engaged in bringing Dennis back to good health.

We set March 10th as the day for our next ride, weather permitting. The ride proposed is a relatively short (124 mile) loop through adjacent counties to the north, as depicted in :  If the 10th needs to be canceled for weather reasons we will try again on March 17th.

A short video of a small German village being awakened by a 300 kph motorcycle pass through, got everyone's attention :

We discussed the Trans America Trail, best known as the TAT , and through a video of a father-sons recent ride gained an appreciation of some of the obstacles and hazards presented by the various terrains that must be crossed.

MC Garage described the "why and how" of  motorcycle "slipper clutches".

Larry told the group of the multi-day ride he's working on for late Spring that would take in camping in North Carolina and east Tennessee. Details will follow at a later meeting.

The meeting adjourned to the parking lot around 11:15 am where Dave got everyone envious, looking over his new Triumph Bonneville. Nice bike!

From the parking lot Dave, Mel, Steve D, and yours truly had a great ride, albeit short, over to Silvia's at the top of Sugar Pike, for burritos or hamburgers under the umbrella outside. Pleasant place.

Mel then took off for Athens, I went home, and Dave and Steve headed for WOW. Seems the Spring new bike bug has bitten. Keep tuned.