(01) 123-456-7890
Meeting Recap--November 25, 2017
Eight of us met this Saturday after Thanksgiving to map out a schedule for December and January. Most rode in in spite of the cool temperatures.
This is what we came up with:
No monthly meeting in December; the next meeting will be on January 27th
No scheduled ride in December
A local ride (<125 miles) is scheduled for January 13th, weather permitting
Additionally, we reviewed and discussed the major findings of the Virginia Tech Study of motorcycle risk factors, and MC Garage's decoding of motorcycle tire sidewall markings.
Smarter-Every-Day, through use of a drone, a 22 rifle and dog ears showed us how our ear-brain work together to give each of us an ability to locate sounds in a vertical plane (nothing to do with motorcycles but very interesting).
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to fellowship, talk and solving the word's problems.