Meeting Recap--June 25th, 2016

Ten of us met this Saturday at Timothy to have an opportunity to relive and share the Big Adventure most of those present undertook earlier in the month, June ninth through the eleventh.

Dave had transferred his SPOT entries over to SPOT Adventures so all could see the actual route the riders followed over the three days. This can be seen at

Three of the riders took photos/video that were integrated into a fifteen minute video that can be seen at

(note this video has a couple captions incorrectly labelled but could no be corrected as the pre-production clips were gone)

There was a good deal of enthusiasm for another camping adventure and a two day  (Fri-Sat) camp-n-ride was tentatively scheduled for early October probably with camping at T.W. of Suches (aka TWO).

A July ride was scheduled for July 16th with a route that will include the Richard Russell, Wolf Pen Gap, and a number of seldom traveled scenic backroads leading there and coming home. Details will be available as the ride date approaches.

Captain Crash, (via video) gave us advice for safe riding in the inevitable summer cloudbursts, and a few "Russian" clips showed us how lucky some folks can be avoiding injury unconsciously.

We adjourned at 11:15 am.

Our next meeting will be July 30th 9-11 at Timothy.