Meeting Recap--January 31, 2015

The thermometer indicated 26 degrees the morning of our scheduled 2015 kick off meeting (our sixth) but that didn't keep eleven of us from attending. One, our stouthearted Larry came on his KLR, the rest of us by four wheel heated conveyance (rumor has it that Larry's hi-viz jacket generates its own heat).

Dan, our webmaster and interpreter of all things British, had promised to bring a surprise. Surprise it was. but not as planned. His recently restored vintage Royal Enfield that he hoped to surprise us with, started making gearbox noises part way to the meeting. With understandable caution Dan scrubbed the R/E ride and completed the trip to the meeting on four wheels. At least we got a photo:

Taking note of possible schedule conflicts with Straight Shooters and Valentine's Day the group pushed the February ride date to February 21st. They decided on a more local ride that takes in Red Top Mountain State Park, Etowah Mounds State Historic Site, Cooper's Furnace, Allatoona Pass Battlefield and a few unnamed places in east Bartow and west Cherokee. Details will be posted as the ride date approaches.

Steve Dotseth, a recent move-in to this area, joined us at the meeting. Steve is a long time rider with considerable experience on two wheels, including some time ice racing up north. He currently rides a BMW 650 single. Welcome Steve, we hope to see more of you.

We briefly discussed the pros and cons of winter riding. Dennis circulated a pair of battery powered heated gloves that might be just the thing for those not requiring the more elaborate jacket-glove heated clothing.

We viewed video clips of moto accidents collected from the Internet and attempted to analyze their causes. Most seemed avoidable. Hopefully we learn from other's mistakes.

The next meeting will be on February 28th, when we will set a ride (and camping) schedule for the Spring.




Meeting Recap--November 8, 2014

In spite of the temperatures in the 30s ten members made it in to Saturday's meeting; five on their bikes, five by other means.

After viewing a classic Baloney Shop and a short discussion, the talk turned to the ride scheduled for next Saturday (11/15) to Alabama. The 200 mile ride, that includes DeSoto Falls, the Little River Canyon and Cave Springs will start from the Valero station on Riverstone Parkway just north of the intersection with GA 140 as it heads for Waleska. Larry will probably be leading the group and will set the start time, again probably 8 a.m.

The group decided to forgo having a scheduled ride for December, and a December monthly meeting, as the Holidays have many members otherwise committed.

A number of short videos prompted discussion about target fixation, crossing rail-car tracks and a few other motorcycle oriented topics as well as a Smarter Every Day's look at what it takes to remove tattoos

The next meeting, that will kick off our sixth year together, will be the last Saturday of January, January 31st. at 9 a.m.

Meeting Recap--September 27th, 2014

Five of us (Mark, Melinda, Richard, Larry and Bob S.) acted as a quorum and set the schedule for rides in October and November as follows: the Cherohala on October 11th, and Little River on November 15th. These dates will give us the best chance of catching the Fall colors at both locations,

Larry expressed some interest in camping on Friday, October 10th, with some local (to Tellico Plains) riding before meeting up with the Saturday riders. Please let him know if you have a similar interest.

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to trying to glean riding tips from the mistakes of others, as depicted on videos, as well as viewing highlights of recent trips and other short episodes, that were quite humorous.

Meeting Recap--August 23, 2014

Five riders (Bob K., Scott, Richard, and both Bob S.s) deferred their chores and braved the heat (temperature and wifely) to join today's meeting. Bravo!

After a Baloney Shop rerun "honoring" Darwin they had a lengthy and lively discussion about evolution and eugenics. Then they moved on to discuss the possibility of combining a ride to Lula with a couple hours of zip lining at North Georgia Canopy Tours. There was a lot of interest in getting this scheduled for September 13th and sending a Read Now notice out to all members to get a commitment and tie down the date and time.

They had a chance to learn from the videoed mistakes of other riders, particularly as it pertains to low siding with low traction "dirt" tires, ignoring wet white lines and riding with cold tires. Captain Crash also had some advice on riding in the wind.

They had fun watching a couple other videos that will be linked in an e-mail announcing this recap, and one video avoided by those with acrophobia.

Another point of discussion was interest in a Friday/Saturday ride and camp on October 17th and 18th, either to T.W.O. or Tellico Plains. Give it some thought and let it be known if you are interested.