(01) 123-456-7890
Eleven of us came out this cold morning to attend this month's meeting; five on motorcycles in spite of the sub-freezing temperatures.There were two new faces: Jack, Dennis' brother, and Melinda who recently moved here from New Mexico. Both are most welcome and we hope to see them again soon.
To kick off the meeting we dug out an old episode of the Baloney Shop. It's was a few years old and revealed how then-hot issues have morphed over time, but not gone away.
We had planned to do some slow maneuver practice after the meeting and three videos laying out the basics was shown (braking, u-turn while moving and u-turn from a stop). However, it was agreed to forgo the practice until a warmer day.
The ride plan for November 9th was reviewed and the start time was changed from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. All the rest remains as depicted on the Calendar detail.
For December it was agreed that a shorter ride (< 200 miles) would be in order and it was suggested we stick to backroads in local counties. A ride plan for December 14th will be put together before our next meeting which will be on November 23rd, rather than the last Saturday, in order to avoid the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Dan gave a run down on the recent trip to Barber Motorsports and the Antique Motorcycle Festival. It looks like the three guys that went had a great time even though the campground was overcrowded.
Dan had added a new section under Articles on the website titled "Member Toys". What we'd like to do there is have each member post a short article about their current ride, or if you have more that one, the most interesting. Take a look at that section where two of us have already posted to get an idea of what would work (photos or video are not required but they do help).
Larry asked if a few of us could help set up the Christmas decorations in the Sanctuary on the morning of November 30th. He said it took a couple hours, with four men, last year. There was some interest, but no firm time was set to meet.
After viewing an assortment of videos, with topics as diverse as the Brown Recluse spider and "water crossings that didn't make it" we closed the meeting and a few of us rode to the barbeque put on by Dan's lodge (it was good).
Next meeting November 23rd 9 a.m.. Next ride November 9th.
Seven of us met this fine Saturday to choose from a few alternatives for October. We decided to stick with October 12th for the Twp Parks Plus ride (see Calendar) even though it conflicts with three riders being at the Barber Festival that weekend. No other dates worked well and two of the three at Barber wouldn't be able to make the ride if moved to the 19th, the only other date available. So if you plan to go on the Two Parks Plus ride, sign up via the Calender on the website.
We used the Fellowship Hall for this meeting and everyone agreed it works better than the room we used before, mainly because the audio/visual equipment is superior. The only potential glitch is the WiFi signal strength that hovered between two and three bars. Someone suggested that a "repeater/amplifier" might preclude that being a problem when using web based videos. I'll look into procuring one, if the price is reasonable.
Six members met at Timothy for the monthly meeting that was moved up a week to avoid conflicting with Labor Day weekend. Jim B. attended after a long absence due to illness. He came in style, on his new Honda Silverwing. Jim gave the group a run down of the riding differences going from his red Harley cruiser to the wing, not the least of which was the surprise that can come from having a brake lever where a clutch used to be. Welcome back Jim.
Since there are no new episodes of the Baloney Shop the group got to see what their favorite host, Ken Klaus, had to say in videos published before the club began gathering. Turns out the subject matter is fade proof and still hits the mark four years later.
Next the attention turned to enhancements that have been made to the TLCMC website, specifically how to use the Gallery feature and how the calendar function can be used to get details about upcoming events.
Seven riders turned out for the meeting, most riding in spite of the threatening skies. After viewing one of the recent lessons from What They Didn't Teach You In Sunday School we took a look at the route for the Maggie Valley ride scheduled for August 9-10 (see the calendar for a description). Dan showed how we could (and should) sign up for this and future rides by checking the participation box on the calendar's event description after signing in to our site as a member (if you don't have a user name/password follow the instructions on the Home page).
We discussed the October Vintage Festival at Barber. Dan/Steve have reserved three campsites for their use and whomever else they will accommodate This event, and September's (9/14 Little River Canyon) are not yet on the calendar so contact Dan directly if you plan to go to Barber ( October 11-13)
We discussed different ways to regroup if one or more rider gets separated from the group. While cellphone contact is probably best, SPOT was discussed as an alternative. In any case it was agreed that a "plan B" meeting place should be identified in case the group, for some reason does not make it together at the "plan A" meeting location.
The group viewed a few videos, some for fun, some for training of sorts. They are becoming experts at picking out what went wrong and what should have been done in various situations that went bad for the filmed ride. Captain Crash also had a few words of wisdom regarding riding on roads newly refreshed with chip and seal.