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Six riders (plus Presley) drove in the rain to today's meeting (we all know Larry would have rode his KLR if he were in town).
After a brief Baloney Shop episode from 2009 that was remarkably prescient then and still relative today, we moved on to discussing potential rides for the coming months.
For July we settled on July 8th for a ride out to Cloudland Canyon following this route https://www.plotaroute.com/route/442138 Almost all of this 208 mile route is on two-lane highway that includes sweepers, elevation changes and scenic views. The state park itself is developed with an interpretive center, scenic loops and many hiking trails. One trail leads down to Cherokee waterfall that a few of us may wish to take in (bring suitable shoes). Here's some information about the park :http://gastateparks.org/info/cloudland/ and some amateur in-park videos: https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrT6V7nxE5ZWbcANTEnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZDNzZTI1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Cloudland+Canyon+State+Park&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001
We discussed some possibilities for August including a return trip to Foxfire, a ride to Clayton and Bull Sluice and a dual sport split ride in an area well known to Mel. No decision was made and we can make a choice at our July meeting.
T.W.O. is planning "Nostalgia Weekend" for the Labor Day weekend. This may well be our September Ride.https://www.facebook.com/pg/TwoWheelsofSuches/events/?ref=page_internal
We viewed a pair of short clips regarding Brake Pad Selection and Brake Fluid Types. These will be posted to the Weblink section.
The remainder of the meeting focused on a handful of videos and the discussion they prompted.
Our next meeting will be on July 29th
Ten of us met this fine Saturday morning. Most rode.
The meeting opened with a couple vintage Baloney Shops thanks to a DVD discovered among motorcycle videos in a dusty drawer. Since LHM took the Shop off their website we have missed Ken Klaus' pithy commentary on "current" events. The DVD is old, but has the full first season (2009) and it's amazing how then "current" events are still current.
We took some meeting time to take another look at the video from the April 8th Trail Riding Session. There were plenty of laughs but also some background information that can't be gleaned from the video clips themselves.
We then moved on to settling on a ride for May 13th. Almost everyone was in favor of heading west to Alabama and again visiting De Soto and Little River Falls, the Gorge and the roller coaster "hazardous" route we rode a couple years ago. The 214 mile route can be found at https://www.plotaroute.com/route/403884 while a video of our 2015 ride is at http://tlcmc.org/index.php/news/201-little-river-canyon-ride-april-11-2015
The discussion moved on to the possibility or a two-day Camp-n-Ride June 9-10. Larry is going to flesh out some details giving particular attention to the potential of parallel Cherohala rides, one on the highway the other the "dirt" Cherohala, among other rides in the North Carolina/Tennessee area.
We didn't discuss the date for the May meeting. May 27th is tentatively set but if a lot of rider's feedback that they'll be unavailable because that Saturday is the start of the Memorial Day weekend, it may have to be pulled forward a week.
After the meeting six of us rode to Sugar Pike Junction for some of Sylvia's fine burgers and relaxed conversation outside, under the trees.
Nine of us escaped Springtime chores to attend our monthly meeting at Timothy. New to our group was Joann, a Honda Shadow Spirit 750 rider, interested in having some folks to ride with. Welcome Joann!
The first order of business was firming up details of the Tallulah Gorge - Bull Sluice ride. Since Honda Alpharetta was able to accommodate our eight riders for the Trail Riding school on April 15th, the regular club ride was moved up to April 8th. There were two route options, one that required a turn around and retracing back to Clayton before heading farther west on US 76, the other had no retracing but rather continued south in South Carolina to cross back into Georgia on the Prather Bridge (Ga 184). The group chose the latter. https://www.plotaroute.com/route/376715 Additional details will be available as the 8th approaches Larry volunteered to lead the ride.
Much of the remainder of the meeting focused on the Trail Riding session. The discussion was augmented by a review of clips from a particularly instructive ride by two of Canada's "Awesome Players". The whole video (it's long) can be seen at:
It was suggested that now that the Winter is over, and more meeting attendees ride to the meetings, we return to riding to lunch after the meetings. Let's get back in the habit at our next meeting on April 29th
Twelve of us met on what turned out to be a clear and windy day.
Don S., well known to folks at Timothy, was there as he is now back on two wheels after a 40 year hiatus. Welcome Don. Also we were pleased to see Frank back among us, with a plan to get back on his blue Harley by this Summer. Dan also surprised us with his visit, accompanied by his baby daughter. She seemed unafraid, and quite at home among a room full of "bikers".
We set a ride plan for March 11th, a 200 miler (r/t) up to Bell Mountain near Hiawassee. We viewed a video of the "road" up the mountain before it was paved last year and how it looks now. Seems doable.
Possible ride plans for future months include a replay of Triple Play, an enjoyable ride we took five years ago
That ride will be sometime in early April, the date dependent on what date we can get for a group session at Honda's Trail Riding School.
The remainder of the meeting included a few video clips, discussions and good fellowship.
Our next meeting will be on March 25th. Mark your calendar.