(01) 123-456-7890
Seven of us met this Saturday to plan a ride for July, discuss with Dave and Larry their WNC Adventure, get a few tips from various video sources and just have a good time together.
We settled on Saturday July 13 for our next group ride. While the route is not yet detailed the ride will go as far north as Union and Fannin counties with a planned stop at TWO to take a look at the TRIUMPH RIDE-IN scheduled to there on that weekend. A route plan and other details will be sent out as the ride date approaches.
Dave and Larry filled in some of the missing pieces not caught in the Ride Report and videos ( https://tlcmc.org/ ). It was clear that in spite of the showers and storms they encountered they, and Mel had a great time and are looking forward to another adventure.
We discussed various ways we could reimburse Dan for the money he's spent over the past couple of years maintaining our website. We decided PayPal would be the best approach. Details and a suggested contribution will be e-mailed soon.
We viewed and discussed two "instructional videos". One, from Awesome Players, was not intended to be instructional but did show us the steps to take if you accidentally drown your bike, as one of them did. The other was from MOTOTREK showing us how to successfully get through a patch of deep gravel or river rocks.
Upon looking closely at Bret Tkacs, the rider in the video, we saw a resemblance to the famous Buster Scruggs as seen here:
Richard, Dave, Larry, Steve and I rode over to Family Traditions for lunch after the meeting.
Our next meeting will be on July 27th. Have a happy and safe 4th of July
Four of us met this Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend and decided off-the-bat to not make any monumental decisions about Summer rides or other plans. The June ride is essentially the four day North Carolina camping trip. We'll meet again in June (6/29) and can then plan a mid July ride.
We did however have lively discussions about a number of topics, not the least being remote diagnosis of Richard's bike's electric problem(s) and his smoking lawn tractor.
Two videos spurred our interest and resulted in quite a bit of discussion. I'll include them here as they contain a lot of useful information:
Our next meeting June 29th.
Seven members attended our monthly meeting for April.
After viewing a video from The Lutheran Hour we jumped into a discussion of the ride planned for May. This ride to Suches will be on May 18th, the third Saturday in May rather than our more usual second Saturday to allow us to attend the Two-Stroke and Vintage Rally at TWO. We enjoyed our ride there in 2017, and hope this spring rally will be as well attended. Here's a video clip from the 2017 event:
We plan to take a route as shown here https://www.plotaroute.com/route/606093 This will allow for two ways to approach Suches; one the road route via SR 60, the other a route using forest service roads (not shown on map).
A major portion of discussion at the meeting centered on the current status of electric motorcycles. While they have evolved a great deal in the past few years it was the consensus of those attending that they still lacked sufficient range for the type of riding most of us enjoy. This shortcoming led to a discussion of the use of regenerative braking on full fledged motorcycles. While available on many electric cars and some electric bicycles we were not aware of its use yet on motorcycle. BMW has it on a model of their large scooter BMW C REVIEW
Our next meeting will be on May 25th (yes Memorial Day weekend but we can't meet earlier or later due to planned rides)
Seven of us met this Saturday to plan a riding schedule for the Spring. Here's what we came up with:
April 13th...Ride to the Currahee Military Museum in Toccoa. See: https://www.toccoahistory.com/#welcome and https://www.camptoccoaatcurrahee.org/ and Band Of Brothers
also if time allows...Traveler's Rest State Historic Site... https://gastateparks.org/TravelersRest/
May 18th...Ride to TWO for 2 Stroke and Vintage Days...
June (4-days, first full week)...North Carolina Ride and Camp aka Great Adventure 2
The rest of the meeting was devoted to various videos and discussion.
After the meeting five of us rode up to Sylvia's for hamburgers or burritos