Meeting Recap October 29, 2011

Thirteen of us met on the 29th, most rode in on their motorcycles in spite of low temperatures and gusty winds.

We viewed the second episode of "Bible On Trial" and then moved on to follow up on the "tank slapper" discussion of last month by showing a video of the Isle of Man race that clearly showed how lightened front wheels can cause a wobble that can lead to a tank slapper.

Fall and Winter riding was next on the agenda where we talked about a rider who low-side because of the loss of traction brought about by low tire temperatures. Cold tires are not "sticky" thus give less traction, similar to a tire on wet road. It was also pointed out that the deer rut will be at its hight in November causing deer movement throughout the day. Be careful!


After viewing LHM's Bible On Trial and a few film previews we discussed what causes and what to do to avoid "tank slappers". A few short videos of actual incidences brought home the potentially disastrous results of the front wheel taking on this condition. We also discussed the best way to get a balky traffic signal to recognize that you and your motorcycle are not so patiently waiting.

The bulk of the meeting centered on the up-coming overnight trip to Tellico Plains, the Skyway etc. The consensus was the route suggested, that includes NC 28, the Nantahala Gorge and Wayah Road was good for the second day as it not only includes some very fine motorcycling roads but also had a number of points where, if conditions warranted, the route could be altered to a more direct route home.

Meeting- July 30, 2011

In spite of the competing attractions seven of us were able to meet for our monthly meeting. After viewing a few episodes of Half Throttles adventures in Panama and the latest Baloney Shop from LHM we settled down to lay out the Long Rides for the coming four months. Seven members had e-mailed their preferences of possible rides. Here they are tabulated:

June 25th Meeting Recap

We opened the meeting with the third and final episode of Facing Disasters Like A Man. We decided that next month we'll begin alternating between The Baloney Shop and another selection from The Men's Network.

We followed up on the Maggie Valley trip by reviewing the short video from the ride report followed by another video from Wheels Through Time showing a few of the bikes from their museum on the road...on the Dragon no less. You can see this on this website under the Weblinks tab #8 Motorcycle Memories.

Also from the Maggie Valley trip we discussed the pros and cons of staying on the road when lightning present. Those at the meeting that were on the trip agreed we did the right thing pressing on cautiously rather than pulling off into an unsheltered  turn out. More discussion on riding in the rain and lightning exposure followed.